Thursday, April 19, 2012

A finals tradition: carbs on carbs

While reading my blog, you must think to yourself Wow, she really cooks a lot, she must have a nice variety of meals each week. Though I do not want to shatter any sterling views you might have about me, sometimes I do not eat so lavishly.

The week before finals, and finals week don't allow much time for cooking. Even if I had the time to cook with all of the studying to be done, I would probably burn myself, or the apartment down, due to my lack of sleep. I don't want that to happen.

Instead, I forget that I am dieting and I survive on carbs. 

Morning: Cereal... see this to get an idea on what cereals are ht best.
Lunch: Cereal 
Dinner: Pasta

Now, here is the thing--I can't be bothered by actually boiling water, waiting for noodles to cook, and preparing a nice pasta dinner.  Instead, yesterday I made a whole box of pasta. I put sauce on it, I put some chicken in it, and then I put it in like three different Tupperware. Microwave and eat. 

This finals tradition is certainly not guilt free--when you realize you have consumed a box of pasta in 4 days, but I like to think of it as helping my brain run at peak conditions. 

Also, it would be a good idea to pair coffee with every meal. Don't believe me? I wrote this 3 years ago, and it still holds true today.