Friday, November 25, 2011

The College Student's Guide to Thanksgiving: Leftovers

 It was worth the wait. An unparalleled meal for sure. I cannot wait for next Thanksgiving. However, for the next couple weeks, leftovers will do. Now, there are probably several people in your family vying for the leftovers. Here are a couple lines you could drop that may help your cause:

"It was really nice to eat real meat for the first time since the semester started."
"It's a shame my stomach expanded so much, I am going to be starving when I get back to school."
"I'm your favorite, right?"
"Maybe I could collect enough change under this couch cushion to afford some mac n cheese for next week."

Put that together with some puppy-dog eyes, and you're sure to get your leftovers.

With turkey, you can pretty much do anything. But don't put it in your cereal, that's gross. You CAN make sandwiches, put it in soup, or warm it right back up!

I just had a piece of leftover pumpkin pie, and it it still just as good.


  1. This is very clever and funny. The puppy-dog eyes trick always works. I agree with you that that next Thanksgiving can't come fast enough, especially with all the good food. Thanksgiving leftovers are the best and to me, they never get old. Turkey always makes you want to sleep and pumpkin pie is delicious. It sounds like a winning combination if you ask me!

  2. This post is so true. I've found that just simply using the line "I would love to take some of this home for a study snack" works equally as well. However none of these lines work with equally minded siblings
