Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Crock Pot Mushroom and Garlic Chicken

I am really excited about dinner tonight.  The aroma of garlic is permeating my apartment and this feeling of malaise from this rainy day is gone the instant you walk in. I am cooking dinner for two of my roommates and my friend Esther.

Warning: This is not the dinner for procrastinators--it requires prior thought.

This meal does require a crock pot, which, if you do not have one of these handy appliances--you should try to get one.  Of course, I am using my roommates. I am not sure what I would do without them. Other crock pot recipes

Here is what you do:

Several hours before you anticipate eating, throw the following in the crock pot:

For this recipe I am using 4 large frozen chicken breasts

2 cans of cream of mushroom soup (can also be cream of mushroom with roasted garlic)
2 cups of water
A spoonful of minced garlic
A little bit of salt

Turn the crock pot on low-heat and let cook for the entire day. When it is dinner time, trust me, it will be worth the wait.

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