Sunday, November 6, 2011

Sunday Morning French Toast

Since it was daylight savings time last night, I felt rather motivated to wake up and get going before I needed to rush to get to church on time. Since I had this free time where I did not need to be showering or doing my hair yet, I decided to make breakfast for Elliott and my dad. Since waffles are such an early morning cliche, I decided to go the french toast route. It was way easier than I thought.

This is what I did, and you can do it too:

Break a 3-4 eggs in a medium sized mixing bowl
Pour a little bit (half cup) of milk in with the eggs, and stir it all up
Add some cinnamon and brown sugar in the milky-egg mixture
Take a piece of bread, dunk it in the egg stuff and immediately put it on a greased griddle.
Let the toast cook on each side for about a minute, depending on how hot your griddle is.

Once it's done, there is nothing left to do but eat it! (With syrup of course)

Something I have been wanting to do with this is create an egg sandwich--using two pieces of french toast for the bread. More on that later...hopefully.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Is it bad that I don't know how to make french toast? I think I might try this soon because I loved it as a kid and haven't had it in forever.
