Friday, November 4, 2011

Tea time

If you're a college student, you probably drink coffee.  There are exceptions, but as a rule, most college students (and adults, and high schoolers, probably preschoolers..) start their day with coffee. Some days, I sustain my day with coffee. Though not a whole lot beats lifting your fog with a brew of hazelnut, there is an alternative: tea.  Now, if you are really at a brick wall in the morning, I would not recommend you immediately cold-turkey the coffee for tea, because tea does have less caffeine. But for that mid-day boost, why not try some tea? Check out all of the flavors! I am sure you will find one that you like. Still not convinced? Here are some benefits: won't stain your teeth, won't give you bad breath, helps promote healthy weight loss...there are plenty of other benefits. Tea works the other way too--it relaxes you.  If are having trouble sleeping because you are nervous for your exam tomorrow, try sleepytime tea.

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